What you quoted above was my response to the comment I read in a story EARLIER than in reading about this tragedy. The way the Texas Republican Party wants it, is that NO ONE should be punished for a hate crime against the GLBT community. This execution-style shooting was done in Texas as well. But hey, it's ok two young women were shot in the back of the head, cuz they were gay, random or not, right?
The story may pan out that this was just some crazed attack by some looney, shooting two young girls for no apparent reason. According to one police source, they were shot in the back of the head, in close range, with a large weapon, about midnight. A couple found them the next morning, in tall grass, probably where they were shot.
However, my feeling, and in reading what I have, that more times than not, people are thinking they were targeted. This month is also PRIDE month and there are a lot of parades going on these days. Who knows if that played into anything.
The fact is, when you have religious leaders and other people in an authoritative positions spewing annimosity and basically telling people it is ok for you to do harm to someone else, even to the point of committing cold-blooded MURDER, it is alright and you will NOT be punished, it is abusive, hate-filled speech, and it is fucking repulsive!
The latest update..2 hours ago..an interview with Mary Chapa's brother. My heart goes out to both these families...and Mary keeps writing Mollie's name down. I feel so terrible that this young lady will not only have a long battle before her, but will now also have to learn her girlfriend was killed